At the beginning of 2016 you could accurately have described Will as an overweight punk rock guitarist, a real ale enthusiast, and a kebab aficionado. Very occasionally you could have thrown in ‘reluctant jogger’.
Over the following year, he dropped 16kgs (2.5 stone) and ran his first half marathon, marathon, and ultra. By March 1st 2017 he’d finished the Ice Ultra as first Briton, coming sixth overall in a foot race through 230km of arctic tundra.
I’m writing about myself here and it’s a bit creepy. So maybe just listen to the podcast to hear about my training journey, Kris’ approach to coaching me, and all the highs and lows of what came to be known as Project Baldlygo!
In this mid-season special we break from the norm. Rather than Will and Kris bringing a guest in for the podcast to talk about their adventures, this week Kris interviews Will about his.
If you’re interested in the Ice Ultra, you can hearr Will’s Top Ten Tips for Racing in the Arctic here: