All talk of lounging under the stars in hope of seeing the northern lights at Kinloch Hourn evaporated last night when the mountain whether took a sudden turn. As if to remind us all that you must always be wary of the weather when out in the hills, the wind picked up as the night progressed and rose to roar that lashed the camp. The runners slept fitfully as the tent sides whipped and cracked around them.
Things became calmer in the morning but we delayed the start by an hour to allow the gale to expend the last of it’s energy. Still, extra team members had to be sent up to help guide the runners on the highest ground as there was still snow up there and the remaining wind was extremely cold. In the space of 3 miles the runners went from bitter cold winds and snow to valleys so warm and sunny you could be forgiven for thinking you were wandering on a Greek island.
Conditions remained benign despite the overnight histrionics and the runners today will have had the pleasure of some incredible views as they struggled through the tops.
Stage Two is the most remote part of the course. There is no 4G in these hills and no starbucks wifi. As such, updates and pictures will largely have to wait for tomorrow.
Stage Two is also the toughest of the 3. Similar in length to Stage One but with more than double the climb. Already tired legs are stressed to the limit and that tough going led to a few runners choosing to step out of the race at checkpoints. Those are Graham Robinson, Robert Hutchinson, and Sallyann Smith. All are safe and well with our team and, so long as the medical team give the all-clear, will be allowed to run tomorrow’s stage if they wish.
Final results for Stage Two will come tomorrow, but we can confirm the podiums, which are unchanged from yesterday. The first to finish was, once again, Tomas Rybar. 2nd and 3rd were Andy Quicke and Tommy While. It’s the same podium for the women too as once more Liss Johansen took the stage win ahead of Iva Baronova and Sally Minchella.
The final stage will start at 10am tomorrow. They’ll largely retrace the course from the latter half of stage one back to Inverie. If conditions allow, the full course will include an out-and-back section taking in the summit of the mighty Ladhar Bheinn, 1000m above the camp at Kinloch Hourn. Others will choose the short course option and head straight back to Inverie.
Goodnight from Knoydart
Stage Two Times:
Position | Race Number | Name | M/F | Finish Time | Time taken |
1 | 18 | Kristina Madsen | f | 13:28:00 | 05:28:00 |
2 | 3 | Bernard Dufour | m | 13:56:00 | 05:56:00 |
3 | 12 | Jack Tunney | m | 14:01:00 | 06:01:00 |
4 | 39 | Andreas Gast | M | 14:15:00 | 06:15:00 |
5 | 15 | Karl Alvarez | m | 14:16:00 | 06:16:00 |
6 | 5 | Christian Spangenberger | m | 15:02:00 | 07:02:00 |
7 | 35 | Simon Redman | m | 15:05:00 | 07:05:00 |
8 | 9 | David Clements | m | 16:02:00 | 08:02:00 |
9 | 6 | Christina Khinast | f | 16:05:00 | 08:05:00 |
10 | 11 | Gragorz Tusznio | m | 16:06:00 | 08:06:00 |
11 | 4 | Brian Bell | m | 16:15:00 | 08:15:00 |
12 | 7 | Craig Williams | m | 16:15:00 | 08:15:00 |
13 | 19 | Lee Quinn | m | 16:15:00 | 08:15:00 |
14 | 1 | Alex Linkenbach | m | 16:38:00 | 08:38:00 |
15 | 20 | Marcus Beale | m | 16:42:00 | 08:42:00 |
16 | 22 | Marie Louise Alemany | f | 16:45:00 | 08:45:00 |
17 | 38 | Vanessa Kellie | f | 16:45:00 | 08:45:00 |
18 | 25 | McKenzie Madison | m | 16:51:00 | 08:51:00 |
19 | 36 | Simon Wergan | m | 16:51:00 | 08:51:00 |
20 | 32 | Rafeal Lochowski | m | 17:21:00 | 09:21:00 |
21 | 28 | Olivia Keating | f | 17:24:00 | 09:24:00 |
22 | 10 | Dietmar Rosenau | m | 17:26:00 | 09:26:00 |
23 | 26 | Mia Thomsen | f | 17:28:00 | 09:28:00 |
24 | 37 | Stephen Murray | m | 17:28:00 | 09:28:00 |
25 | 34 | Silvia Czaja | f | 17:33:00 | 09:33:00 |
26 | 21 | Marianne Kleist | f | 17:35:00 | 09:35:00 |
27 | 29 | Peter Kleist | m | 17:35:00 | 09:35:00 |
28 | 8 | David Guetz | m | 17:51:00 | 09:51:00 |
29 | 14 | Johnathan Miller | m | 17:52:00 | 09:52:00 |
30 | 31 | Phillip Tunney | m | 17:55:00 | 09:55:00 |
31 | 2 | Alison Gay | f | 18:04:00 | 10:04:00 |
32 | 33 | Sherif Owadally | m | 18:07:00 | 10:07:00 |
33 | 17 | Kelly Lasley | f | 19:55:00 | 11:55:00 |
13 | Joe Askew | m | DNS | ||
16 | Kathryn Doherty | f | DNS | ||
23 | Mark Goosens | m | DNS | ||
24 | Mark Hamber | m | DNF | ||
27 | Mitchel Newth | m | DNF | ||
30 | Peter Godbehere | m | DNF |