Back in 2017, we decided to start a podcast. Through our travels with BTU, we’d been privileged to meet some truly exceptional people and hear their stories, people with amazing ideas about training and nutrition, people who were breaking records and undertaking superhuman feats of endurance. It seemed only right that we should share what they had to say with everyone who wanted to hear it.
And so, armed with a handful of recording equipment, we began to record conversations with amazing people. There have been some breaks in programming as organising a world-class race series takes a lot of time, nevertheless we have managed to produce over 60 episodes!
Now we have a large and growing catalogue of episodes for you to choose from, we thought we should organise them into categories so you can easily find what you need. The headings below are links that will take you to episodes in that category.
This batch begins with an episode on the basics of nutrition with our very own owner/Race Director Kris King, himself a fitness coach with plenty of experience coaching elite athletes. We then build on this with a series of episodes featuring Greg Potter, one of the founders of Resilient Nutrition, who wrote his PHD on circadian rhythms, sleep, nutrition, and metabolism. The 3-part series with Greg is a must-listen for any aspiring adventurer.
How do you pack your kit for a multi-stage ultramarathon? How do I stay safe in the wilderness? How do I get started with strength training? How can I improve my training by getting better sleep? These questions and more are answered in these episodes which feature a range of experts and endurance-athletes including Shane Benzie of Running Reborn and physiologist Dr Alan Ruddock of Boxing Science.
The biggest category by far. The perfect answer to ‘what am I going to listen to during my long run this week?’. Featuring record breaking athletes, dauntless adventurers and more. Expect the likes of Mark Beaumont, Sean Conway, Damian Hall, and even the legendary Gary Cantrell (aka Laz Lake).
Ice Ultra, Desert Ultra, Jungle Ultra, For Rangers Ultra, and Highland Ultra
Have you signed up for a race with BTU and you want some insight into what to expect? Or maybe you’re considering signing up and want to hear a bit more about it. Either way, click on one of the links above and you’ll see every podcast featuring athletes talking about those events and also, as a bonus, the race reports created in the field during those races.
Spine Race
We’ve featured a number of runners who’ve taken on this epic race and we know Spine competitors are experts at finding blogs and podcasts to help them research the event’s 268 mile course. For that reason we’ve created a category just for them. Featuring the likes of past winner and course record holder Jasmine Paris, John Kelly, Damian Hall, and Eoin Keith.
Enjoy! We hope you find the inspiration and information that you’re looking for. If you do enjoy the episodes then be sure to like and subscribe on whatever service you get your podcasts from. Everything Endurance is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, and in many more places besides.